Results for 'Anderson Marinho Maia'

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  1.  56
    A manifestação da Umbanda na Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte: da tradição à contemporaneidade. 2011. 181 folhas. Dissertação (Mestrado) – Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais, Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências da Religião, Belo Hori. [REVIEW]Anderson Marinho Maia - 2012 - Horizonte 10 (26):655-657.
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    José R. Maia Neto. Academic Skepticism in Seventeenth-Century French Philosophy: The Charronian Legacy, 1601–1662. Cham: Springer, 2014. Pp. 165. $129.00 ; $99.00. [REVIEW]Joseph Anderson - 2015 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 5 (2):371-374.
  3. Developing a domain-general framework for cognition: What is the best approach?James L. McClelland, David C. Plaut, Stephen J. Gotts & Tiago V. Maia - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (5):611-614.
    We share with Anderson & Lebiere (A&L) (and with Newell before them) the goal of developing a domain-general framework for modeling cognition, and we take seriously the issue of evaluation criteria. We advocate a more focused approach than the one reflected in Newell's criteria, based on analysis of failures as well as successes of models brought into close contact with experimental data. A&L attribute the shortcomings of our parallel-distributed processing framework to a failure to acknowledge a symbolic level of (...)
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    Deacons: Band-aid or Bounty?Jane Anderson - 2005 - The Australasian Catholic Record 82 (2):178.
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  5. Ethics in Linguistic Space and the Challenge of Morality.John Peter Anderson - 2000 - Dissertation, University of Virginia
    For Kant and his followers, pure reason can be practical, and its substantive practical command is, broadly speaking, that we treat ourselves and others as worthy of respect as free and equal. If those who have defended the Kantian morality system are correct, this moral imperative will not be authoritative and inescapable simply because we don't know how to coherently reweave our practical commitments so as to leave it out, but because it is presupposed by the possibility of practical reason. (...)
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  6. Marriage equality, marriage reality.Ryan T. Anderson - 2019 - In David S. Dockery & John Stonestreet, Life, marriage, and religious liberty: what belongs to God, what belongs to Caesar. New York, NY: Fidelis Books.
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    Saba Bazargan-Forward & Samuel C. Rickless (eds.): The Ethics of War: Essays: New York: Oxford University Press, 2017. Hardback (9780199376148) £59.00. 304 Pp.Isaac Anderson Wagner - 2020 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 23 (1):265-267.
    This review of the book The Ethics of War: Essays provides a general description of the book and some brief commentary on several of its chapters.
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    Patterns of Moral Complexity.Elizabeth S. Anderson - 1990 - Philosophical Review 99 (3):472.
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    Peace.Wendy Anderson Halperin - 2013 - Atheneum Books for Young Readers.
    Illustrated with sumptuously detailed panel-style artwork and based on the Eastern philosophies of the Tao Te Ching, a lyrical picture book explores the eternal question of how to promote world peace and shares inspiring quotes from famous peacemakers while counseling readers on how to find peace within oneself.
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    Dropout by Design: Advance Planning for Research Participant Noncompliance.Toby Schonfeld & James Anderson - 2011 - American Journal of Bioethics 11 (4):18-20.
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    Business ethics:: perspectives, management and issues.Cam Caldwell & Verl A. Anderson (eds.) - 2020 - Hauppauge: Nova Science Publishers.
    Recent evidence readily confirms that ethical conduct in human interaction has declined in the context of business, but also in virtually every phase of life. An alarming number of government leaders at all levels have demonstrated by their conduct that their primary goal is the pursuit of self-interest for themselves, their party, and their constituents - regardless of whether the choices they make are in the long-term best interests of those whom they are obligated to serve. Academic institutions and their (...)
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    The Telos of Peirce's Realism: Some Comments on Margolis's "The Passing of Peirce's Realism".Carl Hausman & Douglas R. Anderson - 1994 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 30 (4):825 - 838.
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  13. Why Lawyers Derail Justice: Probing the Roots of Legal Injustices.John C. Anderson - 1999
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    Global Health Case: Questioning Our Contributions.Kelly Anderson - 2014 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 11 (3):401-402.
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    A UK‐wide survey of follow‐up practices for patients with high‐grade glioma treated with radical intent.Susan L. Catt, John L. Anderson, Anthony J. Chalmers & Lesley J. Fallowfield - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (1):1-6.
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    To the editor: Inequality processes, solutions, and methodological approaches.Vincent J. Roscigno & Cynthia D. Anderson - 1995 - Gender and Society 9 (5):640-642.
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    Retroactive inhibition in free recall as a function of first- and second-list organization.Graeme H. Watts & Richard C. Anderson - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 81 (3):595.
  18. Sensualism and Unconscious Representations in Nietzsche’s Account of Knowledge.R. Lanier Anderson - 2002 - International Studies in Philosophy 34 (3):95-117.
  19. Lenin, Hegel, and Western Marxism.Kevin Anderson - 1995
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    Dos ideários neoliberais à constituição de políticas de formação docente brasileira: tempos de recessão ideológica ou alienação mercadológica?Anderson Cristian Barreto, Maria Luisa Costa & Vânia de Fátima Matias Souza - 2021 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 26:021010.
    A formação docente brasileira foi marcada por interlocuções epistêmicas, mudanças e transformações estruturais e conjunturais, atreladas aos âmbitos sociais, culturais, econômicos, jurídicos e políticos, influenciando e configurando as dimensões do ser professor. Sua configuração, como um ser social, permite a transposição dicotômica entre conhecimentos científicos e senso comum, possibilitando reflexões a uma análise conjuntural acerca da realidade posta, efetivando a essencialidade do processo formativo elucidada a partir do rompimento alienado efetivado por meio dos princípios ideológicos que regem, fragilizam e fragmentam (...)
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    Using computer-based simulation exercises to teach business ethics.Paul L. Schumann, Philip H. Anderson & Timothy W. Scott - 1997 - Teaching Business Ethics 1 (2):163-181.
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    La interpretación económica de la historia.Edwin Robert Anderson Seligman - 1957 - Buenos Aires,: Editorial Nova.
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  23. Kant’s Rejection of Devilishness.Sharon Anderson-Gold - 1984 - Idealistic Studies 14 (1):35-48.
    Human nature and its implications for moral philosophy has been a recurrent topic of philosophical inquiry. Thinkers from Plato to Arendt, struggling with the testimony of human experience, have attempted to explain the relation between reason and wickedness. Some have stressed the intrinsic rationality and goodness of human beings, relegating evil to the influence of factors alien to reason. Others have viewed humans as intrinsically evil, their capacity for reason a weak and inconsequential force.
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    Assessing Online Flow Across Cultures: A Two-Fold Measurement Invariance Study.Elwin Hu, Vasileios Stavropoulos, Alastair Anderson, Michael Clarke, Charlotte Beard, Stelios Papapetrou & Rapson Gomez - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:430596.
    The association between online Flow and Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) has attracted significant attention. Despite the consensus that online Flow plays a pivotal role in the development of IGD and other Internet addictive behaviours, there has been a lack of consistency in measurement scales used to assess online Flow. Even widely used measures of online Flow have not been psychometrically assessed across culturally diverse populations of gamers. Such an assessment would enhance the accuracy of cross-cultural comparisons regarding the association between (...)
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    Priesthood and Cult in Ancient Israel.Baruch A. Levine, G. Anderson & S. Olyan - 1994 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 114 (1):90.
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    (1 other version)Many thanks to bioethics reviewers.George Agich, Priscilla Anderson, Alice Asby, Dominic Beer, Rebecca Bennett, Alec Bodkin, Stephen Braude, Dan Brock, Gideon Calder & Emma Cave - 2002 - In Ellen Frankel Paul, Fred Dycus Miller & Jeffrey Paul, Bioethics. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. pp. 2002.
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  27. Reporting risk: Science journalism and the prospect of human cloning.Stuart Allan, Alison Anderson & Alan Petersen - 2005 - In Sean Watson & Anthony Moran, Trust, risk, and uncertainty. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 165--180.
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    Hard and soft deontologism.Sandra Anderson Schuh - 1992 - Journal of Value Inquiry 26 (2):281-285.
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    Can Institutional Policy Education Really Change Behavior?Lisa Anderson Shaw - 2001 - Jona's Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation 3 (3):75-77.
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  30. Books Available List.Celina Su, Gary L. Anderson, John G. Cross, Edie N. Godenberg, Gerald Grant & Paul Theobald - 2009 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 45 (5).
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    Hospital Ethics Committees.Carolyn J. Svehla & Lisa Anderson-Shaw - 2006 - Jona's Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation 8 (1):15-19.
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    An Indigenous Sociology and a Sociology of Indigeneity.M. M. Walter & I. Anderson - 2007 - Nexus 19 (4):BTB - 8.
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    Coercion as Enforcement, and the Social Organisation of Power Relations: Coercion in Specific Contexts of Social Power.Scott A. Anderson - 2016 - Jurisprudence 7 (3):525-539.
    Many recent theories of coercion broaden the scope of the concept coercion by encompassing interactions in which one agent pressures another to act, subject to some further qualifications. I have argued previously that this way of conceptualizing coercion undermines its suitability for theoretical use in politics and ethics. I have also explicated a narrower, more traditional approach—“the enforcement approach to coercion”—and argued for its superiority. In this essay, I consider the prospects for broadening this more traditional approach to cover some (...)
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  34.  21
    The effect of varying the dosage of sodium pentobarbital on the barpress rate of rats.Charles Damitz, John Tritt, David Anderson & Melvin L. Goldstein - 1974 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 4 (5):471-472.
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    Arendt e Foucault: Considerações Sobre Filosofia e Democracia.Anderson A. Lima Da Silva - 2019 - Prometeus: Filosofia em Revista 11 (30).
    A condenação legal de Sócrates pelo júri democrático ateniense no ano de 399 a. C. ofereceu copiosa matéria reflexiva no que toca às relações entre filosofia e política. Segundo Hannah Arendt, trata-se de um ponto de inflexão que viria a respaldar, a confeccionar certo estatuto e “lugar” ao filósofo – e sobretudo ao “pensador profissional” –, estabelecendo, concomitantemente, “nossa tradição do pensamento político”. Ressalta, nessa direção, a abertura do “hiato entre filosofia e política”, entre pensamento e ação, a cisão entre (...)
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    Conference report societas ethica annual conference.Elisabeth Anderson Hansson & Julie A. Nelson - 2004 - Ethical Perspectives 11 (1):88.
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    The Bond of Being.M. Whitcomb Hess & James F. Anderson - 1951 - Philosophical Review 60 (3):403.
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    Untold Stories in Organizations.Michal Izak, Linda Hitchin & David Anderson (eds.) - 2015 - Routledge Studies in Management, Organizations and Society.
    The field of organizational storytelling research is productive, vibrant and diverse. Over three decades we have come to understand how organizations are not only full of stories but also how stories are actively making, sustaining and changing organizations. This edited collection contributes to this body of work by paying specific attention to stories that are neglected, edited out, unintentionally omitted or deliberately left silent. Despite the fact that such stories are not voiced they have a role to play in organizational (...)
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  39. Hilary Putnam (1926-2016): A Lifetime Quest to Understand the Relationship between Mind, Language, and Reality.David Leech Anderson - 2016 - Mind and Matter 14 (1):87-95.
  40. Intersubjectivity, Species-Being, Actual Occasions: Social Ontology from Fichte to Whitehead.Weekes Anderson - 2016 - In Lamza Lukaszc & Dziadkowiec Jakub, Recent Advances in the Creation of a Process-Based Worldview: Human Life in Process. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 47–59.
    Whitehead claims there is only one type of individual in the universe—the actual entity—but there are necessarily multiple tokens of this type. This turns out to be paradoxical. Nevertheless, a type of individuality that is necessarily plural because, for each token, relations to other tokens are constitutive is something familiar from ordinary language, everyday politics, and, not least, 19th century German social thought. Whitehead’s actual entity generalizes the notion of species-being we find in Fichte, Feuerbach, and Marx. The rationale for (...)
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  41. Acknowledging Ralph Pred.Weekes Anderson - 2017 - In Jakub Dziadkowiec & Lukasz Lamza, Beyond Whitehead: Recent Advances in Process Thought. Lanham: Lexington Books. pp. 97–114.
    At the time of his death in May of 2012, Ralph Pred was working on a critical social theory inspired by process philosophy. In the book manuscript he left unfinished, Syntax and Solidarity, he develops a “radically empirical” sociology that enables him to identify and critically evaluate the different forms that social solidarity has taken in the history of civilization. The purpose of this paper is to draw attention to the importance of his unfinished project. The executors of Pred’s literary (...)
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    Drops of gold.Maggie Anderson Buckingham - 1995 - Detroit, MI: Write To Teach Publishers. Edited by Jacquelyn S. Caffey & Gwendolyn Sweetner Watley.
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    Organizational self-evaluation: An emerging frontier for organizational improvement.Charles Lusthaus, Gary Anderson & Marie-Hélène Adrien - 1997 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 10 (1-2):83-96.
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    Very brief exposure II: The effects of unreportable stimuli on reducing phobic behavior.Paul Siegel, Jason F. Anderson & Edward Han - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (2):181-190.
    This experiment compared the effects of exposure to masked phobic stimuli at a very brief stimulus-onset asynchrony on spider-phobic and non-phobic individuals. Participants were identified through a widely used questionnaire and a Behavioral Avoidance Test with a live, caged tarantula to establish baseline levels of avoidance. One week later, they were individually administered one of two continuous series of masked images: spiders or flowers. Preliminary masking experiments showed that independent samples of participants from the same populations failed to recognize these (...)
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  45. Ethics Commands, Aesthetics Demands.Erik Anderson - 2010 - Environmental Philosophy 7 (2):115-133.
    I identify a commonly held position in environmental philosophy, “the received view,” and argue that its proponents beg the question when challenged to demonstrate the relevance of environmental aesthetics for environmental justice. I call this “the inference problem,” and I go on to argue that an alternative to the received view, Arnold Berleant’s participatory engagement model, is better equipped to meet the challenge it poses. By adopting an alternative metaphysics, the engagement model supplies a solution to the inference problem and (...)
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  46. Being Morally Responsible for an Action Versus Acting Responsibly or Irresponsibly.Susan Leigh Anderson - 1995 - Journal of Philosophical Research 20:451-462.
    In her article “Asymmetrical Freedom,” and more recently in her book Freedom Within Reason, Susan Wolf claims to have given us a new theory to account for when we can be held morally responsible for our actions. I believe that she has confused “being morally responsible for an action” with “acting responsibly or irresponsibly.” I will argue that Wolf has given us a nice analysis of the latter concepts, but not of the former one as she intended. I do not (...)
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  47. Understanding Punishment as Annulment.Jami L. Anderson - 1998 - Social Philosophy Today 13:215-226.
    Hegel claims that punishment is justified because it annuls crimes thereby revealing the criminal act for what it is, a will “null and void.” In this paper I analyze the complex notion of annulment, arguing that Hegel is claiming that punishment does not change the past, but alters the status of the criminal will so as to reveal that will for what it is, a violation of a victim’s rights. In short, punishment invalidates the criminal's will and validates the victim's (...)
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  48. Containment Analyticity and Kant’s Problem of Synthetic Judgment.R. Lanier Anderson - 2004 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 25 (2):161-204.
    One of the central and most distinctive theses of Kant’s philosophy of mathematics is that mathematical knowledge is synthetic. In this context, synthetic judgments are defined in opposition to analytic ones, whose predicate concept is “contained in” the subject. Kant’s thesis has often been attacked as indefensible, but just as frequently critics have complained that the thesis itself, and even the analytic/synthetic distinction on which it rests, are simply unintelligible. Thus, even prior to questions of its correctness, the Kantian doctrine (...)
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    A New Study of Christianity and Christian Origins I. and II.Francis Anderson - 1924 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 2 (3):197.
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    Arthur Pap 1921-1959.Alan Ross Anderson - 1960 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 34:97 - 98.
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